Felicity Waterford

Felicity Waterford

What do you paint?

Abstract primarily.

Abstract what?

Emotions, places I've experienced. I prefer paintings that are textural, that you can touch� and so I use impasto and collage with pieces I find lying about.


Is there any particular kind of object that attracts you?

Yes. I love to incorporate nature� the softness of feathers, the beauty of leaves, the power in stones, the roughness of wood. I've also used old wire that was used in a fence post. I tend to collect things from around the property when I visit my family in Lightning Ridge. I also love the patina of gold and incorporating text into the work in some way. It's often the last thing I do when I complete the painting - add the text� I write poetry or use images to evoke what the painting is about for me.

Why did you start creating art?

To try to capture moments in my life; the feeling of watching the sunrise at Easter on a chilly morning; the smell of a jacaranda in full bloom wafting through the house, the smell of earth after rain, the beauty of a single leaf that's fallen from a tree� I love the simplicity of images and they're sometimes not appreciated in their raw form so I started to pull them together. Because I like paintings you can touch and feel, I usually don't put glass on my paintings - I want them be tactile so that the breeze can move the feather, the wood can age and the stones can be rubbed.

(Move your mouse over this image.)

How do you work?

I prefer to work alone. I work very quickly and like to work on a few pieces at once while I feel inspired!

What are your early influences?

I grew up on a property so my family and the outback were an enormous influence. Having no TV as I grew up, I spent a lot of my time doing all sorts of creative things. My family are all quite talented in the creative fields - painting, sculpting, writing. I remember re-creating old masters, we always had art books in the house, painted murals on the walls. I loved exploring what you could create from a bit of paint. Mostly I just created gifts for friends and family - it's a very personal gift and I could create something meaningful for that person.

When Will He Come Home

Do you have any vision for the role of art in your life?

I want to create art that gives people an experience of their own� and for me? I want to capture more rainbows, dance with bliss and create art passionately!

Email Felicity or call on +61 (0) 402 35 11 55

Page design © Jayne Waterford 2000